Jumat, 30 Mei 2014



JUDUL             : WANTED
SUTRADARA  :  Timur Bekmambetov
CAST               : Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman
SINOPSIS       :
In Chicago, Wesley Gibson works at a dead-end desk job with an overbearing boss, takes anti-anxiety medication for panic attacks, and has an unfaithful live-in girlfriend. One night at the pharmacy, Wesley is told by a woman named Fox that his recently murdered father was an assassin, and the killer, Cross, is now hunting him. Cross then arrives and engages in a shoot-out with Fox, who escapes in her car while bringing Wesley along.
Wesley wakes up in the headquarters of the Fraternity, a secret society of assassins. The group's leader, Sloan, explains that Wesley's panic attacks are actually the untrained expression of a rare superhuman ability; when stressed, the drastically increasedheart rate and adrenaline levels result in bursts of superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. Sloan wants to teach him to control this ability and become an assassin. Wesley is initially reluctant and returns to work, only to repent upon discovering several million dollars of inheritance in his bank account. Fox takes him back to the Fraternity headquarters, a textile mill.
Wesley is subjected to brutal training. Afterward, Wesley is shown the Loom of Fate, a loom that gives the names of the targets through weaving errors in the fabric. Those the Loom identifies will apparently cause tragedy in the future, but only Sloan can see and interpret the names. Though Wesley is initially reluctant to kill, he is convinced once Fox reveals that in her childhood, a hired assassin whose name appeared in the Loom burned her father alive, leading her to consider preventing such tragedies her sole mission.
After several missions and a chance meeting with Cross, Sloan grants Wesley's wish to avenge his father and sends him after Cross — but then secretly gives Fox a mission to kill Wesley, saying that his name had come up in the Loom as well. Analyzing a bullet that hit Wesley, it is discovered that it was manufactured by Pekwarsky, a bullet-maker living in eastern Moravia. Wesley and Fox capture Pekwarsky, who arranges a meeting with Cross. Wesley faces Cross alone on a moving train. Fox steals a car and crashes it into the train, causing a derailment. After Cross saves Wesley from falling into a ravine, Wesley fatally shoots him. Before dying, Cross reveals that he is Wesley's real father. Fox confirms this, and explains that Wesley was recruited because he was the only person that Cross would not kill. Fox points her gun at Wesley, but he escapes.
Wesley is retrieved by Pekwarsky, who takes him to his father's apartment and explains that Sloan started manufacturing targets for profit after discovering that he was targeted by the Loom of Fate, and did not tell the Fraternity members that they were now nothing more than paid killers. Cross discovered the truth and went rogue and started killing Fraternity members to keep them away from his son. Pekwarsky departs, stating that Wesley's father wished him a life free of violence. Wesley, however, decides to kill Sloan after discovering a secret room containing all of his father's weapons and maps.
After putting explosives on rats to access the Fraternity's headquarters, Wesley kills nearly every Fraternity member. Upon entering Sloan's office, he reveals Sloan's deception to those present in the room. Sloan reveals that all of the assassins' names had come up in the weaving, and that he had acted to protect them. Fox turns on her fellow assassins and curves a bullet that kills everyone but Sloan and Wesley, including herself. During all of this mayhem the Loom of Fate is destroyed, and Sloan manages to escape.
Wesley is left aimless. A man is then seen at Wesley's desk. Sloan appears and points a gun at the back of the man's head. The man turns around and is revealed to be a decoy. Sloan is then killed by Wesley using a long-distance bullet. The film ends with Wesley stating his accomplishments and then breaking the fourth wall by asking the audience, "What the fuck have you done lately?"

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