Rabu, 30 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Direct & Indirect

  1. NOVEL The Little Mermaid  last page.
“Where am I going? Who are you?” she asked.
She asked me where I was going and who I was.
“Speaking of college applications, Edward,” Charlie said
Charlie said that Edward must spoke of college application.
    3.  NOVEL TWILIGHT page 8
“Don’t you miss him at all?” Charlie asked, frustrated
Charlie asked if he missed  him at all.
   4. NOVEL The Third Police Man
Direct: The Policemen said to us, “Where are you going?”
• Indirect: The Policemen asked us where we were going.
   5. NOVEL  Rapunzel page 19
"I'm leaving," he told me.
  He told me that he was leaving.
   6. NOVEL  Watership Down, Richard Adams  page 32
"Don't park in my place," Greg told me.
Greg asked me not to park in his place.
   7. NOVEL The  Red Badge Of Courage, Stephen Cran page 23
"Get up!" he said.
He told me to get up.
   8. NOVEL The Movigoer Walker Percy
"Please, revise for the test," he said.
He urged me to revise for the test.
   9. NOVEL The Secret Agent, Joseph Conrad
"Will you make coffee?" he said.
  He asked me if I would make coffee.
  10. NOVEL
"Make coffee, please," he said.
 He asked me to make coffee.